I want to be a Stockist!

Do you value supporting small businesses? Do you think we're the right fit for your store?

Become a Sister Sister stockist in 5 easy steps...

  1. Email us to tell us who you are and why you want to carry Sister Sister
  2. We'll call or email to follow up and chat more
  3. We'll send you a wholesale catalog
  4. You create an online account and we will authorize it as a wholesaler account
  5. Log in through your account to place your first order!

DRUM ROLL pleeeaasseeeee....

We are thrilled to announce that we are able to stock wholesale stockists in most countries outside of Canada. We work with an export advisory team and adhere to all provincial and federal policies and standards and FTA. Note that international shipping terms follow FCA.

Let's get crackalackin!